Long Preston Village News
Business or service provider? The village website advertises business and services. Please contact the secretary (secretary@longprestonheritage.org.uk) if you are interested for further information.
This Village website has a new webmaster and we would like to thank Charlie for stepping in to take over this role after we suddenly lost our previous 2 webmasters. We will now be reviewing this website to make sure everything is up to date. Also, if any local groups want to make more use of the website, could you please email secretary@longprestonheritage.org.uk with details.
The 200 Club Raising vital funds for Long Preston Village Hall
200 Club Membership is only £15 per year
1x £25, 1x £15, 1x £10 prizes each month and two draws in December.
The 200 Club is simplicity in itself to join and every participant gets the chance to win in the monthly draw as well as also helping raise funds towards the running, maintenance and repair costs of this vital asset to the village.
Click here for further details and an application form. These are also available in the September 2022 issue of the Parish Magazine (see link lower down on this page)
Can’t come to the library? We’ll come to you.
As volunteers for the Home Library Service we would like to increase the use of the service within our community.
The service is for people of any age who, for whatever reason, find it difficult to get to the library or to carry books. Our book deliverers, as you might expect, are a friendly, sympathetic bunch and their visits are welcomed by our customers.
So, if you, or anyone you know – relative, friend or neighbour – would like help in borrowing books, audio books or DVDs, please get in touch via the contact information given below.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kath Cochrane kjcochrane70@gmail.com 01729 825683
Margaret Gray ianandmargaretgray@hotmail.com 01729 822465
Long Preston Water Trust Announcement
The Water Trust is developing a new website at longprestonwatertrust.online.
Any comments or queries on this site or the Trust’s water supply generally are to go to clerk@longprestonwatertrust.org.uk
Long Preston Heritage Group is assisting North Craven Heritage Group to update its 50 year old photographic record of buildings in Long Preston.
This will be undertaken over the next few months, so if you see some residents photographing buildings, please do not be alarmed.
We will be trying to take the photographs from the same position as the original ones so the changes can be seen.
Also we will be doing new (extra) photographs as a record so the next generation will be able to see the changes.
Hopefully, together with the NCHT, we will be able to have an exhibition of the photos in 2022.
We will provide updates as the project progresses.
If you would like more information, please contact: secretary@longprestonheritage.org.uk
Long Preston Helping Hands Community Group
Long Preston Methodist Chapel
Strong & Steady run by Kirsten Civil ( qualified instructor )
1.30 – 2.30 pm £4 per session followed by tea & biscuits
Bums and Tums run by Kirsten Civil ( qualified instructor )
2.45 – 3.30 pm £5 per session
Pilates based exercises focusing on maintaining and developing your core strength essential for flexibility and stability. All welcome
Wednesdays meet in Chapel Car Park
Nordic Walking run by Jo Wulf ( qualified Mountain Leader & Waix Community Guide)
2.30 – 3.30 pm £5 per session
Craft Therapy
10.30 – 12.00 noon Bring whatever you are working on and share knowledge and make friends over a cup of tea and biscuits. Donation to cover costs please
This is still a viable fund raiser especially at this time of year. These are being collected to support Hearing Dogs for the Deaf.
Please collect them and pass to Annette / the Methodist Chapel. Thank you
Click on one of the links opposite to open a pdf version of the magazine.
Please see the separate button for the Magazines archives.
Please note that the file may take a few minutes to open.
The Village Hall now has wifi available to its users. This facility has been provided by Long Preston Parish Council. The router will have the name VillageWiFi and the current password is freeforall .